给朋友的信 Letters to my friends

Monday, November 12, 2007



独自在国外奋斗, 只有在同样情况下的人才会有同样的感受。让我们为彼此加油。世界上没有事情是难得倒我们的。 加油哦。


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Letter for My Fellow Friends


How are you all lately? Feel really sad when knowing that some of you had ended your relationship. Really hope that you all are fine now. Hope you all can go through the down time as soon as possible. Love is so sweet yet so hurt. Gals, if you need someone to talk to, you can always contact me. Hope you will be fine.

Have a nice day and nice days ahead.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


娉琪, 那天,和你聊了很多。一些问题,你也让我释怀了。真的很开心还能和你畅谈。 终于, 那感觉又回来了。 说真的,在这最近的一年来,我总有一种感觉,觉得我们那千金难得的友情好像受到了一种前所未有的考验。我永远不会忘记和你一起走过的高高低低。我们有太多的共同点。而那是让我能和你说任何事情的原因。谢谢你让我用另一个角度看一件事情。谢谢你让我知道,原来我们的友谊都没变。人在异乡,真的会让我成长。长大的我更珍惜亲情,爱情和友情。你也要好好照顾自己哦。别忘了,有什么事情,我都会站在你的身边,陪你一起走下去。

Tuesday, July 03, 2007



Monday, April 23, 2007

Letter for Eunice

Eunice, congratulate to you. You are the QUEEN of the nite. :) Proud to be your friend and the prize is reserved for you. :) Hope that the night will be always in your memory. As well as the friendship between us. :) In future, no matter what is the problem you face, don't forget about the nite, the nite when you be the QUEEN. So, wish you will be the QUEEN in your life. :)

Friday, April 20, 2007



Tuesday, March 27, 2007

给Ah Poh的信
